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What is PandoraStar?

PandoraStar Light.jpg
Deep Trance Meditation Machine

A powerful light entrainment device, PandoraStar uses flickering light to guide your brain to experience a range of beneficial states of brainwave activity, which can then be used for the purpose of healing your body, balancing your emotions, training your brain and expanding your mind.

Through a combination of twelve high-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and integrated microcontroller technology, PandoraStar produces an almost infinite variety of stroboscopic sequenced light patterns, providing deep frequency entrainment for the brain.


Pandora Star Effect:

Pandora Star guides you through self-created hallucinogenic imagery, “personal art”, of indescribable patterns and beauty, creating a deep sense of oneness and joy. Normal waking consciousness is predominantly beta waves, between 13-36Hz, with activation of alpha (during periods of relaxation), theta (during meditation or isolation chamber float sessions), gamma and delta. PandoraStar helps guide your brain between Epsilon, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Lambda brainwaves.



The integrated controller is incredibly configurable to enable the stroboscopic light energies to be distributed and harmonized through different frequencies, waveforms, duties, and intensities. Organized as four triangular sets of strobes and with two wavelengths of light, the strobes produce distinct “sequences” of patterns unlike anything else.

The development of science has enabled us to measure electrical activity in the brain. The method involved is called electroencephalography and is used in the assessment of brain damage and other conditions. The first EEG was recorded in 1929 by Hans Berger and represents the electrical activity in the brain known as brain waves.



There are a few different types of brain waves, varying in frequency and speed:

Lambda Waves

Lambda waves have a frequency (speed) of 200Hz and more. Lambda is an exotic state of consciousness which has been found in very advanced meditative states, out of body experiences and near death experiences. Very little is known about its full capacity, it is still one of the mysteries of consciousness our mind has to offer.

Gamma Waves

Gamma waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain – the gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second– not only that, but the entire brain is influenced by the gamma wave. This rapid “full sweep” action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Most of us experience this as ' being in the flow. 'Gamma is that feeling that you can do anything.


Beta Waves

These are characteristic of an engaged and focused mind. A person engaged in active conversation, teaching, writing essays or debating. In modern waking life, this is experienced daily.


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